Login with Facebook

To enhance the security of our website and improve future maintainability, we have decided to discontinue the option to log in with Facebook. As a user who created your account using Facebook, we kindly request you to set a password and transition to logging in with your email. Please follow the step-by-step guide below:

  1. Go to the login page.
  2. Click on Forgot Password?
  3. Enter the email address associated with your Facebook account and request the password reset link.
  4. Check your email and click on the password reset link.
  5. You will now be logged into your account where you can set a new password.
  6. From now on, please use your email and the new password to log in.

If you encounter any problems, such as not having access to the email address you used or being unsure of what it is, please feel free to contact our customer service for assistance.

Contact Customer Service

We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding in prioritizing the security of your account and the continued operation of our systems.